From ages past, science and technology, through human effort has proven to have done more good than harm to humanity. Over the years, man no longer suffer all in a bid to get things done. An amazing example of this, is the Pallet Jack which has done so tremendously well in terms of load lifting.

Today, we’ll be looking at the uses, advantages. This jacks are the most basic form of a forklift and are intended to move heavy or light pallets and Palletised loads within a warehouse environment. But before the invention of this machine, man will suffer a lot just to lift or push objects which at the end of the day calls for less work and low productivity. All thanks to brain behind invention of this machine.

A Pallet truck is a machine use to move pallets. Pallets therefore, is a flat transport structure, which supports goods in a stable fashion while being lifted by a forklift.

I strongly recommend pallet truck to companies and individual who still lift loads manually and are yet to purchase a Pump Jack. Let’s see below some of the uses of a Pallet Jack;

A Pallet Truck is used to move about loads from one place to another within a ware house, it is also used to lift a very heavy objects etc. It is therefore worthy of note that all Pallet truck has its own weight capacity and shouldn’t be overloaded as this will affect its smooth and easy running.

Advantages of a walk behind truck (pallet trucks)

  • Using a walk behind truck increases efficiency.
  • Saves time and energy.
  • Can be  easily operated by anyone; 
  • Never cause noise (almost silent operation);
  • Very easy to pull; 
  • Require minimum maintenance.
  • Goods can be effortlessly stored in a warehouse on high shelves. 
  • Extremely helpful when loading goods in a truck or a van. And lots more.

Also, remember to apply caution while using Pallet truck. Do not try to ride on it as it might lead to accident. Try to save some time and energy if you are a factory worker by getting a Pallet Jack. Visit or write us at also feel free to contact us on 08168528651, 09097449944 for your affordable and durable Pallet Jack.